Friday, March 7, 2008

Not afraid to jump on in

This is a good quality and glad to know Marshall has it.  Yesterday, after a particularly messy lunch, I was going to get some dishes done while Marshall took a dip in the kitchen, one of his favorite activities.  I filled his tub with a bit of water and turned to get something before taking him in to undress while he was crawling about.  He decided he didn't want to wait and crawled right on in, clothes and all.  As you can see, he was quite pleased with himself...


smartypants said...

Hey Steph--Kim (Harper) here (from grad school)--Becky forwarded me your blog and it is fantastic!!! You guys are having such an adventure and what a beautiful boy you have!!!! I'm totally obsessed with blogs right now and your's is on the top of my favorites!
Take Care!

Lauren @ Sassy Molassy said...

Oh, he is sooo precious.