Monday, April 7, 2008

Anything but Marshall

I really like Marshall's name.  We were unlike many parents when choosing a name.  The boy's name was the easiest and we had it chosen 3 months into my pregnancy.  The girl's name, not too much harder(Soryn Raia, not to give it away if there is ever a sister in his future), but just took a wee bit longer, like a week.
Anyway, I'm trying hard to use it more because it seems like we very rarely call him by his name.  To Malians, he's Kimberie, Kimbu, Kimby or Kiberlie, for his proper name.  He's also called Djarra Ce(Djarra is his last name, Ce means man), Djarra Ce Nin(little Djarra man), Djarra Den Nin(Den is child, so little Djarra child), simply Djarra or even Kelly, which is my Malian last name.  Sometimes its just Den.  Oh, and with Kara and the gang, he's Warable, or pattus monkey.
Ian gives everything nicknames.  I am often amazed at what he can nickname/shorten or otherwise lingo-ize.  Its an endearing trait.  I, on the other hand, made a vow pre-child (I could write a book on these vows I made that have been quickly broken...)that he would not be called silly names or talked to in baby talk voices. the baby talk vow went out the window, as did the nicknames.  Here are some of Ian and I's favorites...most to least popular.

Monkey(Ian's favorite)
Lovebug(my favorite)
Monkey Doo
Boo Bug Doo
Monkey Doodle
Little One
Grumpalupagous (when he's cranky)

Sigh.  It looks even more cheesy when I write them all out.  But such is the love we have for this dear boy.  And at least we're not calling him Marsh.  Its the only thing I don't like about his name.  Its a horrible shortening of it...icky.  Please don't call him that unless he asks you to.

Mango vs. Banana

Banana 0
Mango  2

Final Score