Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Our Growing Boy...

Marshall had his 6 month checkup with Dr. Tatiana today. She was a very lovely Russian woman who married a Malian and has lived here for 23 years.
He's healthy as can be, all checks out and handled his vaccinations like a champ. He's got an 18" around head(75% for those that keep up with his place in the world of baby sizes)and he's 28" long(again, 75%)-um, thats FOUR INCHES since his 4 month checkup.
Now he's at 15 pounds 10 oz. A small weight gain in a month or so, a low percentile, but as Dr. Tatiana said in half French, half Russian accent with a dismissive look and tone, "Americans are so...how do you say...so...prudent...they get scared about everything. Just give him some oil and butter and in a month, you come back, he will have one kilo more."
Marshall just can't stop moving, so all his calories go to his brain and length and the rest are burned. Don't you wish your doctor told you you needed to eat more butter?

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