Regardless, she was a lovely lady and was able to get Ian set up with all sorts of clearances. She also may have a job for me, which I had given up on. By the end of the meeting though, I was about to pass out. Ok, that may be a bit dramatic, but I was not feeling well. Needless to say, I have spent the whole afternoon and evening locked in the hotel room trying to sleep, watching weird Malian TV…public service ads on handling pesticide, some Brazilian soap opera dubbed in French, some music videos, Christian programming, a press conference with the local police about preventing traffic accidents. Luckily, with some food, Tylenol, Dayquil and a bit of a nap, I am starting to feel better.
Marshall and I have been able to spend some great time together, too. He is such a champ and handling all of this change so well. Last night he met a sweet little Lebanese girl named Dina. She’s probably about 7 and is the daughter of the owners of a little bar/restaurant next to our hotel. Marshall thought she was the funniest thing he’d ever seen, for about 15 minutes she kept him laughing. We saw her again today at lunch and it was the same thing. Unfortunately, I think she thought he was a doll as she kept adjusting his shirt, taking his hat on and off and pulling him into her so she could kiss him. Whatever, it most definitely made him happy.
He’s rolling all over the place these days and is getting really good at picking up smaller and smaller things. I think he’ll be crawling in the month. He’s so good with strangers, which is a good thing because, as I now live in a place where it’s the village that takes care of the child, he is passed around regularly. Just the men, though…its interesting.
He is often tired, though. He knows we aren’t in the states anymore and is afraid if he sleeps he is going to miss something. Granted, he probably would.
It looks like we may have found a place to live, although it isn’t at all what we thought. Ian went on a wild goose chase this afternoon looking at places while I rested. We'll see where it all leads tomorrow. Here is our broker…

Yes, he is an antiques dealer, or as Ian said, “That’s one of his cards from yesterday